Friday, October 10, 2008


Its so unfortunate that almost 95 % of famous personalities in India feel uncomfortable to reveal/accept their inclination to politics.
"I don't know politics" "I don't want to enter politics" is the fashion statement these days. Right from Narayana murthy to Kamal haasan, feel that you can contribute to the society without being a part of politics. It is so irritating to know that many people in India are not even aware of their local MLAs and MPs , leave alone CMs and PM. Bashing the government for every other Bomb blast is the most easiest thing to do, this would not happen if we realized what it means to run a government in a country like India and that is why its completely necessary to have political awareness and be a socially responsible citizen.

Recently there was an interview of Mr MK Narayanan , the NSA of India, in which he bursts out saying that the government has averted many blasts and the very few that were missed is what the country has seen. He accepts that even those blasts should have been averted, at the same time its only human to accept what is being indicated there. The fact that it has taken the NSA of India to give such a statement says the scrutiny hes under, thanks to the irresponsible media (who make even the most sensous issue an entertainment) and the ignorant majority of the population. A nation is only as powerful as its people and in a democracy , its even more so. Being the largest democracy in the world, we have our own responsibility to show the world what it is to live in a diverse country filled with culture and tradition and its time we realize that India is only as good as every one of us are. Bashing the government for everything is like cursing one self.

Coming back to serving the society outside politics, it sounds like a real responsible statement but in the actual sense of it, it only comes to show that these so called socially responsible people are not ready to accept a system which is present for the same very purpose and instead want to create their own which would not demand any commitment as it is seen as an additional contribution to the society. What stops anybody from being in politics? agreed its not very clean and its full of corruption but how does it help by staying away from it? We dont want everyone to be politicians out here, but atleast don't give an impression that Politics is not suited for the ideal people. There have been some really great people , far ideal from any ordinary citizen of the country who have plunged into mainstream pollitics simply because they believe in the political system and are not intimidated by the lack of same minded people or the presence of not-so-ideal people. Politics is a system and it is defenitely the best way to serve a nation truly, distancing away from politics is just a way to assume they are cleaner people. I can only see 3 main reasons for anybody to distance themselves from politics:
1. Truly ignorant people who feel it is more important to know the current cricket captain than it is to know their constituency.
2. Another kind of people who don't have the self confidence to feel that they can contribute to the society but have every right to question people who do their bit.
3. Third kind who think of it as just something that occupies the first page of a newspaper and those typical " Politics is not my cup of tea" kinda guys.

In my opinion, none of these 3 kinds of people are fit to live in a democracy. Its so sad that the great entrepreneurs of the current generation,noted personalities of the media, sports icons, and ultimately most of us find it way to easy to slip into the third kind of people.

The primary reason for the present state of the nation is that majority of the population consider it completely unnecessary to be socially aware,refuse to make use of the abudant avenues available today to know what is happening around us. Political awareness would bring out an immediate change in the outlook of the nation, one will be able to visualize the power that every individual has, to change the country. Being politically ignorant is worse than being an illiterate. India will change only when we look Politics as a system (which is far bigger than the people who are in it) and it is far more importnt to be concerned of who will be the next Prime Minister than it is to know who is the opening batsman of the cricket team. Its time we knew our politicans more than Java or SAP.

A democracy is not truly a democracy until the people want it to be one !!!

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