Saturday, January 28, 2006

On the Days at St.Patricks

Wonderful were those days , spent at St.Patricks Adyar Chennai. Yes, that was the school where i studied for 14 years....
14 years(1985-1999) ..what was that ?? ...Noooooo, I did not fail in any class........

I studied there from LKG to 12th Std. The longest a student is expected to pursue his education at school and i belive i have spent enough time there to talk a lil bit about a prestigious Institute as that. I think i still remember all my school teachers names till now, let me try my luck by listing their names in the order in which they thought me.

1st Std - Mrs Mona
2nd Std- Mrs Miranda
3rd Std- Mrs Gonzalvez
4th Std- Mrs Stella Mary
5th Std- Mrs Filomina
6th Std - Mrs Jayaseely
7th Std- Mr James & Mr Iruthayaraj
8th Std- Mrs Sherien D'costa
9th Std- Mrs Kannan
10th Std- Mr Jacob
11th Std - Mr Ramesh
12th Std - Mr SETHURAMAN

Yahooo...Bingo.. i was right there and feel proud of the fact that i can remember all my school staffs names even 7 years later.... Did i make a Typo there ??

Why was my 12th Std Teachers name in Bold ?? yeah , his name deserves to be in bold... What a man he was, a disciplinarian to the core , a Kind hearted human being and a wonderful scientist at Physics. I have had my days with Sir (Read Mr. Sethuraman) and he was probably the best Teacher i have ever come across in my life. As they say , one would not know the worth of things, when they have it and how many times life has thought me the same thing. There are many other staffs who i respect with the Highest regard

Mrs Jayanthi - my Maths Tecaher in my 9th and 10th Std , if atall any one has fears against maths , have a chat with her and soon you would become a Ramanujam at it.

Mr Eugene - My English Teacher and for me a search in any Dictionary for Gentle man should have his name listed there, else i would not call it a dictionary, what a Individual he was , just a classic exaple of how one should carry himself and am a big fan of his.

I can list out a lot more names , but i want to write a few more blogs on this...

this Blog would be a good answer for my memory power...Yes , i completed my school in 1999 and now its 2006.....
Oh .....i thought i was still a young more huh ??

Did i forget something.......Yeah , from 1999 -2006 what ?

I Did my engineering from Vel Tech in Avadi and have been working for Infosys as a software Engineer for the past 2 years....

Guess what.... Just when i thought that i could feel proud of my memory power, here comes one. I dont remember most of my Engg Staffs names..... was that because i was a visitor at college or was that because my School has such a Huge impression on me ? i Guessed it right and it was the second reason.

At school we were called Patricians and we are truly as my search reveals that Patrician means Noble. i heard you say Noble and that i was one.

Many more to come.......

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