Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Alcohol in the Living Room

Ever since i moved back to India, I have been quietly observing the change in social life of the working population around me. Its been hugely disappointing to know that Alcohol has gained a major acceptance amongst youngsters. It is almost the only common entity these days amongst people which acts as a catalyst to form new acquaintances. It has stepped up to be at a level where Cigarette was, a few years ago.

Social drinking was a term loosely used not long ago and now anything social includes drinks, There is NO drive against alcohol and even the government seems to be enjoying the huge revenue out of it. What once used to be a rarity amongst families is now a routine, every household has at least one person who is exposed/over exposed to alcohol. There seems to be no vision on what this could mean a few years down the line. All this addiction to spirits will render a whole generation incapable of productivity and will cost every penny earned on medical expenses. It all seems a calculated theory, which has been well executed.

It is hard to find a sober person, leave alone a teetottler. Every one who was a social drinker once, is a regular now and those were frequent are already addicts. I was shocked to see that some one whom i knew, was begging in daylight in the streets asking for money so he could buy himself a drink. I have argued with my friends who defend drinking, many times and lost almost always. I am told that drinking once a week with friends is no harm and it only adds to their joy and makes the time well spent. I have fought with them so hard that at times it has ended in people walking away, I am unable to understand why people cannot think about their families and alcohol can never bring more joy than time well spent with family or friends.

My problem with alcohol is not that i need it banned, i definitely have a problem with the amount of consumption and the frequency at which it is used. What once used to be a behind the scenes thing, is now out in the wide world, very much available for young kids to be inspired from. I am shocked to see school kids at wine shops and the fact that there is no regulations as to who can buy and consume alcohol in India. The whole idea of drinking has changed and these days, drinking is akin to smoking was a few years ago.

Loads of time,money and Good Health is spent on alcohol and the fact that it has already started to affect people I know, makes me want to see this come to a grinding halt. People from the current generation are at huge risk and this will prove to be a mighty blow to the society in no time. I have a feeling that if some thing doesnt change, we will have to witness a huge tragedy right in front of us. In the meantime, i will do my bit to convince people to stay away from alcohol, no matter how long it takes.

Alcohol has managed to make its way from far outside the house into the living room today and if its not swept away immediately, it will hold our hands to the cemetery.

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