Monday, August 22, 2011

Anna Bandwagon and the state of denial we are in

There has been a huge rage back in India with the whole Anna hazare Lok pal bill and i am happy in a small way that there is a part of the society that wants to have a clean India and shows that it really cares. But, it worries me big time with the way the whole Anna drama has panned out, the bill seems to target the big ticket corruption more than anything else and fails to address the fundamental issue at the lowest level.

There are 2 major things that i personally dont agree with the Anna Drama as i would like to call it, the first one is the way in which the protests are happening and the idea of trying to use the energy seen on the streets to their advantage and not respecting the democratic way in which things ought to be handled. The second part of it is trying to make a sense of Anti Government energy across the nation which seems to be the way of life in India now. This government is corrupt and every one knows that this isn't the first government that is corrupt and neither will it be the last, we need to understand that the government is not the cause for all the corruption that happens in India and a large part of it happens because of the common man who most of the times fails to do abide the law of the land and in turn embraces corruption.

It would be stupid to imagine that a lok pal bill will eradicate all the corruption in India and will make our lives clean and happy, in fact, thats what many people are imagining right now and thats is exactly why this whole movement is stupid in my view. Assuming there is no big ticket corruption and assuming every damn politician out there is clean enough, would it mean a clean India or for that matter less corrupt India?

No way is the answer and why? Corruption is a part of almost every citizens life in India and many a times it happens with an interaction between 2 common men in India. How will the lok pal bill ensure that schools dont demand donation and how will it ensure auto wallas not charging more than they should, how will it ensure that government offices not demanding bribe for every transaction and how will it ensure hospitals not charging more for untold reasons. Corruption has to be tackled bottom up, it has to be curbed at the grass root level and we cannot start at the top and go to the long as the base is corrupt, we will stay corrupt.

Our problems lie with us, we cannot adopt a theory that the politicians are the cause for the auto wallas charging more..if there has to be a change, it has to happen with the common man first. He has to believe in what is right and do it without any compromise. Laws need to be respected and the system needs to be trusted, we cannot fool ourselves by having another policing group (lok pal panel) and imagine that all troubles will be dealt with. Keep the streets clean and the desire to keep it clean has to come from within, rather than doing it for the fear of law. Change in attitude is what is needed more than anything else and respect for law has to increase, hate for politicians and the system will do us no good ever. For , we are the ones who voted and elected them. Corruption has to be tackled in many ways and lok pal bill might in all idealness, would form a very small part in ensuing eradication of corruption.

Finally, its disheartening to see the tactics adopted by young Indians to go on the web platform and do trash talk, instead of doing their bit to stay clean themselves for thats what will make India Clean, more than any bill that can ever be formed. Lack of social knowledge, is so obvious amongst many a educated youth in India, who thinks trashing the government means doing their bit and they can go back home and download mp3s from the Internet,watch movies on line, pay bribe when caught at the traffic signal and find all possible means to evade tax.

We have enough laws to deal with corruption and what is needed is the desire to abide them and stay truthful to the country.